Position: Learning Associate

Why did you become a teacher?

It has always been a deep rooted belief of mine that we should do all we can to support children’s mental health and wellbeing, and I feel that the structure and vision here at Liberty Woodland School is a perfect environment for doing just that, alongside providing high quality learning opportunities that are child-led and ignite their creativity and curiosity. 

What excites you most about working at LWS?

I am really excited to be joining such a passionate and dynamic team, who all strive to put the children at the forefront of all they do. I am looking forward to watching the children thrive in such a nurturing environment, to allow them to feel listened to and valued, and above all to have fun and be creative! I am also looking forward to being inspired and continuing my own learning journey - kids after all are the best teachers!

What is your biggest dream for education/ for children?

My dream would be for the education system to move away from the current restrictive test based systems, and instead to prioritise creating an environment that focuses on children's wellbeing, as, without this, no child can reach their true potential.