The Liberty Woodland School Education

We are preparing children for an extraordinary life in the 21st century, guiding and teaching them to become successful citizens in school, in their careers and in life.

Core skills of maths and literacy are taught in small groups. In each group all children are at exactly the same level of development, allowing learning to be highly targeted and focused. This allows rapid progress to be made alongside building confidence and a positive mindset for children in their abilities. Groups remain fluid to enable any children making accelerated progress to continue to be challenged through the zone of proximal development to achieve their best.

I never lose. I either win or I learn.
— Nelson Mandela

Our curriculum is built on the ‘Key Areas of Competence’ that we believe are important for all children to develop. We liken these to the structure of a tree.

ROOTS - The roots are fundamental to all other learning and run through each area of our curriculum. Good personal, social, emotional and physical health underpins everything that we do and is our primary priority for our children. In establishing these, we are enabling our children to become successful learners in all other areas of our curriculum.

Roots attributes include:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development

  • Physical and Health Development

TRUNK - The trunk areas of our curriculum provide the essential skills for developing as learners. We prioritise developing children’s ability to communicate through spoken and written language, through thinking mathematically and crucially to question, analyse and problem solve the world around them.

Trunk attributes include:

  • Communication and Language

  • Mathematics

  • Environmentalism

  • Digital Communication and Language (including creative technology)

  • Critical thinking, problem solving and working scientifically

CROWN - The crown areas of learning enable our children not just to participate but to flourish in society, to give children the skills and capacity to become the adults that will shape the future.

Crown attributes include:

  • Creative Arts and Design (Music, Art, Drama, Technology)

  • Understanding the World (Geography, History, Science)

  • Philosophical Reflection

  • Social Responsibility