Events at liberty woodland school

Save Our Futures 2024

Saturday 20th April from 11am- 2pm

Here's everything you need to know…

Family fun day here at Liberty Woodland School for the whole community to raise awareness as well as share and celebrate the progress made towards tackling climate change.


Tickets for the event cost £2 and proceeds have gone to Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust. WWT was pitched and then voted for by the students at Liberty Woodland School.


Liberty Woodland School Student Projects

Bumblebees (Reception) - Space Explorers, Planet Protectors

Come and visit The Bumblebees den to immerse yourself in our exploration as 'Space Explorers, Planet Protectors.'  Explore the solar system, star constellations, earth mobiles, earth boxes, earth poems and more. 

Crocodiles (Year 1) - Eco Detectives

The Crocodiles warmly invite you to explore futuristic, sustainable, and environmentally friendly utopian cities of the future! They have been busy 'Eco Detectives' this term and would love to showcase their handmade, recycled Crocodile quilt, beeswax wraps, sunflower seedlings, and beautiful illustrations and of course, share their knowledge of renewable energy. 

Amazing Woodpeckers (Year 2/3) - Garden Warriors 

Visit the Woodpecker wildflower garden and learn all about pollinators! Enjoy poems celebrating bees, recipes, stories and a chance to make your own pollinator. With a bug hotel, solitary bee hives, a woven willow fence and wildflower plants, this is a haven for pollinators. 

Kingfishers (Year 3/4) - Sailing to a Healthier Sea

Step into the world of marine conservation and explore hands-on, interactive exhibits that showcase innovative solutions and inspire action towards a sustainable future for our oceans.

Ravens (year 5/6) - Balanced Biomes

The Ravens welcome you to our 'Balanced Biomes' den. Come and see our biome gallery, adaptation poems, biome narratives and hear the wealth of information we've learnt about these special places. 

Secondary (Year 7/8)

The secondary students have had their creative and technical caps on as they used coding to come up with their very own design for an app, sharing important ways we can help fight against climate change. 

Things to do

  • Passport Station- Create your event passport on arrival and enter into into our prize draw at 1:45

  • Dr Bike- attend the event by bike and get Dr Bike to check everything from wheels, brakes, gears and tyre pressure.

  • Electric Pedals- get pedalling on the meadow and use energy created to make beats and bubbles

  • Wimbledon Bee Keepers- make a beeswax candle and buy some local honey from our precious bees

  • South East Rivers Trust- check out the biodiversity in the River Wandle and learn how to protect our rivers 

  • Friends of LWS- Come and meet our parent community by dropping by their plants stalls and T-shirt sales

  • Round Table Books- Come browse and buy from this award winning, inclusion-led bookshop, based in the heart of Brixton but visiting us at LWS.

  • Pond Dipping- trawl the shallows of the pond to capture and investigate the pond-dwelling creatures abundant in spring time

Timed events in the Riverside Den

11:30- 12:15 Interactive Storytelling- Bella Bunny and the Blazing Sun with Suzanne Davis

It’s Bella Bunny’s day off but she gets caught up in an adventure. Can Bella Bunny save her friends, the forest and the planet? Come and join in with this interactive storytime session- most suited to little ones and up to 10 years.

12:30- 1:30 Playing for the Planet- how can games save our futures?

Did you know that by simply playing a game, you can help change the world? Jennifer Estaris, game director at ustwo Games, and Elena Hoge, founder of Yaldi Studios, will share how games are helping players make a difference, such as via Alba: A Wildlife Adventure and Monument Valley 2’s The Lost Forest, as well as the Playing for the Planet alliance, where the United Nations are working with 40+ game studios on sustainability efforts. Then let’s play some games together!


Save our Futures 2023


Food and Drink

  • Pizza from The Dough Shack

  • Brickell's Ice Cream

  • Rolling Bean Coffee