How are you regulated?

As an independent school, we are regulated by the Department for Education and the Independent Schools Inspectorate, through our membership of the Independent Schools Association.

What are the school travel arrangements?

There is a minibus collection and drop off near each of the Little Forest Folk nursery locations, there is also a collection and drop off point directly at school.

See our minibus stops and schedule here.

What time is the school open?

The children attend school from 8.40am-4.40pm Monday to Thursday, term time only.

Our term dates can be found here.

Why does the school run Monday to Thursday?

We have taken the traditional school week of 30 hours and condensed it into 4 longer days, with school days being Monday to Thursday. All children stay at school from 8.40am-4.40pm. Taking into account transfer times on the minibus, children are dropped off at their minibus point from 8am-8.30am and collected from there at 5.30pm-6pm. Our reason for this approach is that the children not only benefit from longer days to fully immerse themselves in their learning, but also they spend less time during the week travelling by minibus. It also means working parents don’t need to find after-school clubs for their children to attend to prolong their working day.

Will you have an open day or when can we visit?

Please see the link to our open days here.

What is the admissions process?

Please visit our admissions page to find out more.

How much are the school fees?

Our up to date fees can be found here.

What are the minibus fees?

There will be an additional cost for minibus transfers which for academic year 2023/2024 is £676 per term.

How much is the enrolment fee?

A registration fee of £2000 is required on formal acceptance of a place. This includes a £750 enrolment fee and a £1250 deposit. The £1250 deposit will be deducted from the child’s final term’s fees, providing the family have given at least one terms notice in writing.

Are the registration fees refundable if my child is not offered a place?

The £100 waiting list registration fee is non-refundable, however you will remain on the waiting list. If any places do become available we will offer these on a lottery basis.